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     Freshmen year I came to Wofford excited about new opportunities and the prospect of realizing my dreams of evolving from a "big girl" to a "grown up." To me college represented the ultimate opportunity not only to harness skills, learn of entirely foreign topics and create lifelong friends, but also to prepare myself for an ambitious career after my time at Wofford was over. By second semester I was already meetingwith the Space, learning about resumes and cover letters and practicing the art of networking. I was astounded at the resources and knowledge available and made sure to maximize all of the opportunities the incredible program offered. While I was embracing the information available through this unique program, many of my friends were hesitant to jump on the bandwagon. From the outside the process seemed confusing and unsure of their aims, they steered away, planning to post pone their professional preparation skill development until later in their college career. Still, I thrived on the possibilities created by my newly developed skills throughout my Freshmen year.



The Purple Scarf Society Story



     However, during the summer between Freshmen and Sophomore year my passion for broadening and sharing these resources grew. It was during this break I learned I had Congenital Heart Disease and was going to need Open Heart Surgery by Christmas. Not only was I fearful of the surgery and life changes ahead, but I was angry at the potential setback this development posed. I did not want this disease to dictate my life and refused to let it keep me from following my passions. I returned to campus energized by my desire to fight, now as a member of the Space to Impact, a program at Wofford designed to support students creating non profit organizations and community outreach programs. I realized I had the unique opportunity to both overcome the limitations of my heart and make an impact on my community. The career search skills I developed Freshmen year were a niche in which I thrived and I realized it was important for me to share those with skills with other young collegiate women who, like my friends, were hesitant to begin their professional search journey.


     While I was limited in my physical ability, I recognized I had a strength in an area many other women did not, and I had the potential to change it! Energized by my capacity to empower others in the way I was empowered I came up with the idea of The Purple Scarf Society. This organization would create easily accessible programming for Wofford women centered around creating resumes, learning to network, and dressing professionally. Furthermore, to offer direction for those still unsure of their future, a networking event would be held at the end of the four week programming. The design of the organization would provide basic skills to collegiate women and the opportunity find direction for future career options.


     This organization has become my new reality. Now with a healthy heart and a plethora of new found energy in my recovery, the drive to accomplish this project to the highest degree has become my new priority. There is a multitude of women who will benefit from this organization's ability to empower and connect. To achieve this goal I need financial resources to provide for the nuts and bolts of the program. Your support will enable women to get ahead in professional preparedness and begin the journey to find their career. Can I count on your support?

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